
Does catching up on sleep during holidays really work🧐?

Posted by Leo Leung on

During holidays, some people go out to meet friends while others get on a plane to travel far. However some people prefer to stay home and relax; catching up on some sleep 😴 to relieve what is called "sleep debt".

Is it really good to "catch up on sleep" after a busy week? In fact, it is best for people to maintain 6-8 hours of sleep every day. An American study pointed out that when you sleep for less than 6 hours or more than 8 hours, you may suffer from memory loss and the overall brain function will decline. Research has shown that when subjects woke up after a long break on weekends, they were not particularly energetic and instead felt more tired🫠. The "sleep debt" accumulated over a long period of time cannot be repaid all at once by getting a lot of sleep on weekends or holidays. It is actually preferred and more healthier if you can maintain a consistent 6-8 hour sleep time every day.

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By Leo Leung

除咗擺部收濕機係房之外,有無諗過夏天又熱又潮濕,床褥可以點樣幫到你 ? SweetDream 金美夢 Coolmax 清爽護脊床褥用了Coolmax 高性能物料,不但可以快速蒸發水份,而且減少濕氣積聚,令你保持乾爽,瞓得舒適😴。更重要係床褥採用三段式結構系統,確保你脊骨自然平直,肌肉得到鬆弛休息。想今個夏天瞓得更涼爽,更舒適,即刻到SweetDream 零售點體驗一下喇!

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Is it a good idea to take a nap?

By Leo Leung

相信唔少人應該同小編一樣,食完個Lunch 之後都好容易「飯氣攻心」😴,一返到Office 眼皮就好似千斤重一樣,令你有想午睡嘅衝動!有人就會選擇洗個面或者飲杯咖啡☕️去清除睡意,但其實午間小睡片刻嘅好處可能比你想像中多。今日小編就同講講3個午睡嘅好處啦💕!

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