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[Sweetdream Clearance Sale!] From today until November 5th, customers can enjoy 50% off all Sweetdream older mattress models. All mattresses are brand new, including our signature Spinal-Care Mattresses, Pillow-Top Mattresses, and Box-Top mattresses. All sizes and models are limited in quantity, so come check it out now!
Sweetdream 金美夢憑藉多年來在床褥研發與創新的堅持,以及對優質睡眠的專注追求,很榮幸獲得2024年度「HONG KONG TOP BRAND 香港名牌獎」殊榮。此獎項不僅是對Sweetdream 金美夢產品品質的肯定,更是對金美夢品牌價值的重要認可。
Sweetdream 金美夢將繼續秉持「為客戶提供優質睡眠體驗」的企業使命,精進產品研發,為廣大消費者帶來更優質的睡眠產品與服務。

From September 2 to December 30, Sweetdream will set up a pop-up shop at Yata Department Store in Tsuen Wan Plaza!
Sweetdream Pop-up Store Information:
Date: September 2 to December 30
Time: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m
Location: Shop LU-04, YATA Department Store, 3/F, Tsuen Wan Plaza

Sweetdream has finally launched delivery to UK with partnership of DAY DAY BUY! Customers can now enjoy our product in the UK!