
Is it a good idea to take a nap?

Posted by Leo Leung on

After eating a lunch, it is easy to feel "restless"😴. Once you return to the office, your eyes feel as heavy, making you have the urge to take a nap! Some people will choose to wash their faces or drink a cup of coffee☕️ to clear away sleepiness, but in fact, a short nap at noon may have more benefits than you think.

The first and biggest benefit is that it gets rid of your post-lunch tiredness! Because generally our lunch is inseparable from carbs which contains a lot of sugar, which will cause your blood sugar level to rise rapidly⬆️. At this time, the body will start to secrete a large amount of insulin, and the higher the concentration of insulin, The higher the blood sugar, the greater the relative drop in blood sugar. When blood sugar drops too low, the activity of brain cells will decrease, resulting in a feeling of drowsiness after meals🥱. A nap of 15 to 20 minutes can give your brain a moment of rest and keep you energetic.

The second benefit of taking a nap is that it can improve memory and learning abilities🧠. A German study found that naps can enhance associative memory and study concentration. A longer nap (40 to 50 minutes) can even help the brain have time to consolidate practical information (provided that you are older than you, of course)! So taking a nap in the office or school can bring you the above-mentioned positive effects 💡.

The third benefit of naps is that it can reduce stress. Closing your eyes and working immediately after eating makes it difficult to concentrate; it is also easy to make mistakes. Taking a nap after lunch will give you some relaxation time and rejuvenation, relieve your tension, and allow you to complete the tasks you need to deal with more efficiently after waking up!

Of course, taking a nap is just one way to keep you energetic at work or at school. You can also choose other ways, but taking a short nap is simple and effective, and it can bring you many different benefits, so why not? But be careful, if your drowsiness at work is caused by lack of sleep at night, you may need to consider more sleep at night.

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